
“By actively thinking about the implications a space has on its inhabitants, we can create great experiences for those who enter.”

James P. Hackett, President and CEO, Steelcase.

Here are a few examples of space experiments we performed in our Corporate Garage’s maker and creativity spaces, exploring how Space is perceived, how it is built and how innovators thrive in it.

The classical Amphitheater setup was used to strengthen the attention link between presenters and their audience.

Judiciously placed, the Instant Meeting Setup transforms serendipitous encounters into fruitful meetings.

The Campfire setup was used in the Living to help teams share and solve sensitive issues.

The Whiteboard Light Path is a set of 100 addressable RGB leds controlled through a web api, featuring various services such as time keeping, room booking, weather forecast, and room decorations.

The Specialized setup was used in the Garage to help new members project themselves working on various tasks, such as hacking, prototyping, soldering, 3D modelling, or coding.

The Chalk Wall is a 6 meter long wall
coated with chalkboard paint, bringing back childhood memories and resuscitating student behaviors.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira