
For unestablished events, format and execution can often be experimental. Here is a list of some of such events we attended, participated in, or organized.

Osons la France

This event presented the ongoing transformations of the french innovation ecosystem by showcasing  “the best of Innovation and French creativity”  through 200 exhibitors, considered as actively building the future of the french innovation landscape.

We proudly represented the Corporate Garage and invited visitors to transform passions into projects, or participate in the assembly of the Garage’s second 3D printer.

Google Glass event

To test the appeal of employees for the Corporate Garage, we organized an event inviting them to discover and test Google Glass.

This event allowed us to identify how many people were eager to spare some of their free time to play with new technology, what were their backgrounds and center of interests, and how much they were impacted by this experience to spark new ideas.

IP mashup in Dublin

This event was set up by the Bell Labs leadership team, and we were asked to contribute.

Its intent was to have people co-invent novel solutions and patent them together, and its various challenges covered the different stages of IP generation.

The execution of this event revealed various blocking points and design flaws that could not be easily mitigated. As a consequence, no second edition was pursued.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira