At this point, if you followed the guided tour, or discovered by yourself the various pages of this site, you understand why we launched a garage initiative within our company, what we tried, and how the project evolved over time.

We reached out internally and communicated on every occasion to get traction from management, location heads, colleagues, peers, partners, and we documented the approach to better share it and inspire other locations and other companies to embark on this transformative journey.

This page is a tribute to the employees who decided to build a corporate garage on their site, to their hard work and dedication to make the place run, to their supporters who made this possible, and to the people who cross the doorstep and make it their home, filling it with their dreams, their projects, their skills and passions.

Information (pictures and texts) on other Nokia Garages were obtained from the official Nokia Garage site and are the property of Nokia. You can reach them through their website and learn more on each one.

The spark

Nokia Garage in Paris-Saclay, France

Pierre and Bertrand met in the Bell Labs Ventures organization in 2012.
Sharing a common passion for Innovation and complementary in skills, they put this dynamic in motion to dream, dare, and execute on ambitious projects.
Cofounders of the Nokia Garage in Paris-Saclay, they strove to build the optimal conditions for Innovation combining passion, agility and execution.

Following the launch of the initial Corporate Garage, Bertrand decided to extend the concept even further, and embarked on a 3 year project to launch, an enabler for moonshot factories, that guided the creation of Paris Saclay Hardware Accelerator. Willing to acquire additional experience in a different domain, Pierre moved from the Telco to the Aerospace industry, to innovate as part of fully autonomous exploratory teams using the power of Design and Technology to build new concepts.

When they talk about it, Bertrand and Pierre joke about how they parted ways, with Bertrand drawing the blueprints of a Death Star, and Pierre joining the crew of the Millenium Falcon.

Pierre Turkiewicz

Inventor, Writer, Connector, Maker, Design, Gamification, Entrepreneurship, DIY

Bertrand Marquet

Dreamer, Team Player, Strategies Curator, Entrepreneurship, Innovation Workplaces, Space Design

The accomplice

Nokia Garage in Lannion, France

Cofounders of the Nokia Garage in Lannion, Celine & Julien shared a common vision of what should be Nokia Garage : a place created by employees for employees and above all, a mindset… and built on their complementary skills to launch the project, Celine focusing on Creativ’lab & Julien managing the Maker Space to finally imagine & create a place mixing these 2 complementary universes.

The Garage launch was made possible with the support of a strong core team who shared the same mindset and vision of innovation.

Celine and Julien’s ambition for the Garage was to become a catalyst for innovation… a safe place for employees to go beyond their own boundaries… A place that let them break silos, dream, create, make, fail, learn & share… A place of freedom and openness…

Celine Wolski-Duval

Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Communication, Collective Intelligence, Gamification

Julien Jacques

Maker, DIY, Innovator, Design, Prototyping, Entrepreneurship

The enthusiasts

Nokia Garage in Ulm, Germany

Since 21st February 2017 the Ulmer Garage becomes a platform and engine for Nokia Technology Center Ulm ‘s renewal, new way-of-working, creative and out-of-the-box thinking, employee engagement & education, fast prototyping, speedy trial & error and learning loops for internal projects, co-creation with local ecosystem ones, and visibility in the region for customers and partners.

Nokia Garage in Budapest, Hungary

A place created by the employees for the employees. A safe and free place for Nokia employees to go beyond their boundaries and catalyse innovation. 

Garage represents a mindset and offers physical possibilities to hack, make, dream and share innovative ideas, without R&D regulations, without bureaucracy and without boundaries.

Garage is a place where experimentation, learning and fast prototyping can be done and there is no punishment if something is not working for the first, second, or 999th time.

Nokia Garage in Antwerp, Belgium

The Garage in Antwerp is a makerspace where Nokia employees can invent and learn by making. The garage offers two rooms, one for “explore” and one for “make”. The garage is equipped with popular maker tools, such as: 3D printers, dremels, solder stations, collection of Arduino and Raspberry Pi, and more.

The Garage located in Antwerp was inaugurated in October 2016, with the aim of bringing people across divisions and disciplines together to work for a common goal, and the creation of a tangible asset.

Nokia Garage in Oulu, Finland

OuluGarage is a scene for innovating and co-creating together. With their local Production and RnD they have an opportunity to get ideas, immediately, into practice.

As the world is changing faster and faster, skills are constantly improving. As Nokia strategy updates, their competence need to fulfill and excel business requirements.

Their aim is to inspire people, to engage them in an innovative mindset, and to encourage them to keep learning new things. They work together to produce and improve Nokia’s innovative products, services and solutions.

Nokia Garage in Wroclaw, Poland

In short Wroclaw Garage signifies people, place, technology. Together with their community, they want to implement specific actions, projects and activities.

People – an engaged community made up of Nokia experts, scientists, students, technology enthusiasts and business partners.

Place – almost 500 m2 of creative space for innovators to work, which consists of: Creative Zone, Makerspace and Lab.

Technology – access to the most advanced technology from Nokia to create solutions in the areas of Edge Cloud, 5G, IoT Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Nokia Garage in Vimercate, Italy

What comes in your mind if you read the word “Garage”? Nothing to do with cars…. It is about technology, innovation and ideas!

It is difficult to give a unique definition, DaVinci Garage is a recipe with lots of ingredients: passion, curiosity, inspiration, experience, friendship, creativity… to make innovation reality. 

DaVinci Garage was born within Technology Center environment in Nokia Vimercate, from the will to speed up the innovation process and to lead quickly to new business solutions.  

Sharing knowledge, enjoying with technology and developing business are their foundation principles.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira